Two Keitas, One Summer? A Series of *Should Be* Arsenal Targets

May 10th, you won’t be surprised to hear that since my last article (Over 68 days, 1600 hours, 90000 minutes ago), the masses, media and malcontent have been talking about the exact same thing. The future of Arsène Wenger. Asked at least twice a week by a dozen journalists, phrased in a plethora of ways, the … More Two Keitas, One Summer? A Series of *Should Be* Arsenal Targets

Making sense of Arsenal: Europe’s Sleeping Giant

So, it’s about that time of year where the people fall out of love with our previously beloved Arsenal. Except me of course, because apparently, I enjoy pain. It gets rather tedious and it’s often easier to say ‘throw it all out and start again’, much like when you lose your first few on football … More Making sense of Arsenal: Europe’s Sleeping Giant